Monday, November 10, 2014

Peace Education in Lebanon: Case Study in the University Context (MEST FORUM, American University in Dubai)

The MEST faculty is glad to announce the launching of the MEST Forum, a monthly series of intellectual/scholarly activity to be held every last Tuesday of each month during the fall and the spring semesters.

Peace Education in Lebanon: Case Study in the University Context
Dr. Pamela Chrabieh, Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern Studies

Even if initiatives and practices of dialogue and living together have never ceased to exist in Lebanon, both physical and psychological/cultural aspects of war still prevail, fueled by a continuous struggle between hypomnesia and hypermnesia, and the inexistence of a common national war memory thus common history and identity. In this context, the new generations are inheriting the experience of war as still living memory, and are molding/converting this remembrance into some form of fixed historical and existential knowledge, allowing cycles of violence to be perpetuated. Peace Education plays an important role in breaking these cycles, by cultivating the knowledge and practices of a culture of peace.

Dr. Chrabieh's presentation will introduce the current Lebanese context in relation to war and war memory, as well as Peace Education initiatives in Lebanon and the main characteristics of a pedagogical approach shedeveloped and applied in her classrooms at St Josef University of Beirut, Notre Dame University and Holy Spirit University-USEK from 2007 till 2014.

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